Emma Randall is a strategic graphic designer who specializes in art direction, illustration, public relations, web design, and print design. 
In 2019 she spearheaded Printing Industry Midwest's nation-wide educational "Print Is Everywhere" campaign. As creative director and lead designer, she strategized and executed a series of informational brochures, videos, conference banners, and additional marketing campaign deliverables for both digital and print format. The purpose of the campaign is to educate and entice students in the Western region to get more involved in the still evolving Print Industry in congruence with growing digital careers. 
In 2020 Emma began "The Zwilight Tone", a digital and printed zine showcasing the writings, illustrations, photography, and other artistic endeavors of creatives trapped in COVID isolation in the Valley. The zine served as an outlet for over 40+ different creatives across 3 published issues.
Since 2023 Emma has worked at Phoenix New Times (PNT) as their Editorial Art Director. PNT is an alt-weekly publication attracting over 1 million monthly site visitors, and over 100,000 weekly print readers. Emma directs and designs both the cover artwork and publication layout for print and web. 
In her free time Emma can be found hunting the racks of the Los Feliz thrift stores, roller-skating along the LA river, or consuming the latest horror thriller. 

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